The Ring Nebula as seen by MIRI (Image ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, M. Barlow, N. Cox, R. Wesson)

New details of the Ring Nebula captured by the James Webb Space Telescope

Just a couple of weeks after the publication of an image of the Ring Nebula, one of the most iconic planetary nebulae, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument, another image arrived, this time, captured by the MIRI instrument. Several filters were used to capture the emissions at various wavelengths in the mid-infrared to offer details that complement those offered by the NIRCam. The new details also indicate the presence of various compounds and about ten concentric arcs just beyond the outer edge of the main ring. These new results offer new insights into the processes taking place in the last stages of a star’s life and, in this case, the interaction with a possible companion.