October 20, 2023

Jupiter in an observation with the NIRCam instrument and in the insets some progressive zooms showing various wind shears at altitudes between 20 and 35 kilometers above in Jupiter's clouds

An article published in the journal “Nature Astronomy” reports the discovery of an equatorial jet stream traveling at over 500 kilometers per hour in the lower layers of the stratosphere of the planet Jupiter extending for almost 5,000 kilometers. A team of researchers analyzed data collected by the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) instrument during observations conducted in July 2022 to obtain details of the winds that include so-called wind shears, sudden variations in intensity and direction with altitude or distance. Data collected with the Hubble Space Telescope provided additional information about the atmosphere of Jupiter’s equator and other phenomena in that area useful in determining the characteristics of the jet stream.